
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day. I got 2 wonderful Mother's Day gifts tonight when I got home from the Sweet 16 party (by the way it is 2:15 am so excuse any mistakes). I had a dozen of roses and card from daddy and Maddy sitting on the table and my wonderful, awesome photographer sent me some photos from tonight's event. How wonderful is that??? Usually you don't receive any photographs from your professional photographer for about 2 weeks. Well, my AMAZING photographer Amy aka Amy Fraughton Photography sent me some pictures tonight because she knows that I didn't take any and because she is just too sweet. (It was 1 am for her) I am so blessed to have such wonderful, talented and really special people in my life. Thanks so much Amy!! I am looking forward to many more projects with you!! Here is just a small bite from the party to wet your appetite.
I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day! Be blessed!