
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Wall idea

It is 1:30 in the morning ~ I find that in the middle of the night when the house is quiet, my creative juices flow much better. I'm currently working on 11 custom parties. That is on top of the weekly signature parties that Maddycakes is doing. I'm definitely not complaining! I thank God for the business. I truly get "muses" from everywhere. Here is a wall as you enter the Phoenix Children's museum. It looks spectacular! A wall of Cd's. This would be a great backdrop wall for a party. Don't you think??


  1. wow, you are a busy lady!!!! love that wall!

  2. I love that...I wasn't sure what it was at first. It would be a great backdrop wall.

  3. wow. such a fun backdrop!

    & you've got to be incredibly busy planning all those parties! congrats on all the work!

  4. Ok, this is too cute. I may need this idea for the Rock Star party that I'm doing. I love it!
