
Friday, February 12, 2010

Inspiration Boards

Inspiration boards are a must in my business. In order to relay to my client what direction I am heading for their event ~ I must show them a visual. Why would anyone else use them that aren't in the event planning business you say??? If you are a reader of my blog then you are one who plans parties! Special events and celebrations such as birthday parties, bridal/baby showers, and weddings require a lot of planning. The best way to help you streamline the planning process is to create an inspiration board. Your inspiration board will help you visualize what your party will look like. It helps you make decisions on what works together for your overall theme.
Back in the day...planners used actual boards that you creatively put pictures, fabric swatches, ribbon...items to show your vision. Now digital boards are the way to go. You can find countless inspirational photos and products to choose from online.
If you have plenty of time to plan then that is great ~start searching the web and saving all pictures that you find appealing that would work for your event. There are two free and easy to use web based applications that I use for mixing and matching images anywhere on the web.
Polyvore and Big Huge Labs (mosaic maker)!
To be takes me hours upon hours and sometimes weeks to prepare an inspiration board for my clients. Another way to go is to hire a virtual party planner. I was checking out Celebrations at Home site today and saw that Chris is now offering inspiraton boards. This is an awesome service because it will give you a jump start on your planning process and ideas for your parties that you may have never thought of.
I know we all want memorable, beautiful parties but hiring a party planner is not likely unless your planning a wedding but you want your daughter/son's birthday party to be "da bomb"!! (uumm that's my old school word for really great!)
So hiring Chris is like having your very own party planner ~ and trust me her rate is UNBELIEVABLE! I know what the industry charges (heck I know what I charge!!!) so remember time is money (trust me it takes many hours to do a board) it's awesome to have a professional, super duper creative party planner to jump start the party. If you are unfamiliar with her site do yourself a favor and check it out! Tell her Maddycakes sent you.....maybe she will give me a freebie!! :)


  1. love! green is one of my favorite colors!!!!

  2. Love the board! I know what you mean about the boards, they are very very very time comsuming but so worth it in the end. I do them for all of my parties and then print them and post them on my work board just to keep the inspiration flowing. The price that Chris are doing these at is fabulous. Everyone should order!
    PS-Thanks for the kind words on my blog today. You are truely a beautiful person inside and out.
