
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dollar Day Creation

I bought these kid socks from the $ bin last year at Target. What was I thinking? Great 4th of July socks you say....uuuummmm... I live in Phoenix, Arizona where the temperatures reach 120 degrees in July! Needless to say, I can't throw them away ... I am way too much of a frugalista for that. I knew I could use them somehow for the Daddy and Daughter Breakfast Picnic on Sunday since the colors are red, white and blue. So I channeled a previous project here. But this time instead of a candle inside the glass ~I am going to use fresh flowers. This took no sewing, craft skills and about 3 seconds. (I should have taken 4 seconds to straighten out my stripes). I just slipped the glass into the sock and cut of the extra sock material and tucked in. Viola....2 custom matched vases for a dollar (a pair of socks) Okay....maybe custom is too strong of a word. However, I likey and it was easy~cheezy!!
I can't wait to show you the invites that Madison made to invite her daddy to their picnic. I will post tomorrow.


  1. Love your cute and simple ideas like this!

    Shelley @

  2. How much do we love the Dollar Tree sock section, girl?

    You're so my Dollar Tree Soul Sistah Numero Uno

    Love the Eddie Ross comment...eeeeeeeeee.

