
Friday, July 15, 2011

Cereal Buffet

Madison and her best buds had their camping sleepover last night. Actually, it was really fun! I was worried that it would be too hot but it was really quite nice. Here are the girls getting ready to get into the tent. They were so excited! This morning I got up an hour earlier than the girls and put together a cereal buffet.

(click on images to make larger)

I only used items that I already owned. Madison was really excited when I bought all of these cereals because the only kind she has ever had was Cheerios. So this was a real treat for her. I got the morning paper and cut out a banner. I cut them all out at once so this was really easy and quick to make. I just used a magic marker to write cereal on it. Just wanted to show that you don't need any fancy dancy machines or craft skills to create something a little extra special. I think it's better than just putting out a box a cereal, don't you think?
For the labeling, I simply cut out the box labels and used double stick tape. For a backdrop, I just strung some string and hung up some of Madison's PJs.
I like using my trifle dishes because you can see the cereal through it but you may not have 4 on hand. Most people own at least one so if you need more just borrow from friends or neighbors or you could just use plastic sand pails with the plastic shovels that come with it.
I like how the cereal box labels look in the trifle dishes. This was another easy and quick thing to do.

Here again just cut out the label from the Lucky Charms Cereal Treats box and double stick taped onto a toothpick.
Instead of using ribbon to go around my cake plate~I thought it would be cool to use the newspaper again so I cut out a decorative border and taped on. Get it~ breakfast~morning newspaper?
I think a cereal buffet is great and an inexpensive thing to do after a sleepover but could also be great for a toddler birthday party. It is in the morning so won't interfere with nap time. The kiddos can come in their PJs. A cute activity could be for them to make Fruit Loop bracelets or necklaces. Let your imagination run wild! If you use this "muse" please send me the pics and the party 411!

Linking up to Tatertots & Jello


  1. LOVE the labels on the cereal bowls and the use of newspaper!

  2. such a fun cute idea! I know at the dollar store, too, they have those little bowls with the straws built in for like 2 for a dollar! That'd be a fun take home, too! :) Thanks for a great idea! totally bookmarkign this!

  3. Love this! You did a great job!!

  4. Oh I am totally lovin' this!! Great idea!
