
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Crepe Cakes and Desperately Seeking Horses

I had some delicious crepes for brunch on Easter. I still have them on my brain...crepes always remind me of being on the top of the Eiffel tower where I had the most AMAZING crepes with whipped cream and chocolate....and met a cute French man...I was single then! LOL
I ran across these great crepes cakes via Possible Baker. The beautiful tiered cake is from Charleston Crepe Company. What an unexpected dessert!!

This one is from Martha Stewart....chocolate....yum. Darkest Chocolate Crepe Cake recipe here.

HELP!! I used to see these stick ponies in Dollar Tree all the time....well now that I want them for Madison's Toy Story party...can't find them anywhere!!! I've even scoured the Internet. If any of you have any of these leftover in your Dollar Tree stores....please let me know. Of course I will pay all costs and a little something ~something for your time!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I need to visit my local $ Tree tomorrow, I'll keep an eye out for them!

  3. Check the dollar tree website. They are out of stock right now, but usually have more within a week or two.

  4. I will be on the lookout for horses. Good luck locating them!!

  5. Hi,

    Love your site, heres the link so can order them!!

  6. Hi Vanessa - I tried that link but when you put in your zip code it says out of stock. I even called customer service last night- no luck!

  7. If you can't find them at Dollar Tree there is a tutorial on Dandee Design's site for hand made hobby horses.

  8. Out of stock in Utah too :(.....Here are some inflatable ones around $3 each

  9. The exact same thing happened to me when I was doing a cowboy/girl party a couple of years ago ... there were suddenly no ponies at all in any Dollar Store. I'll check my store for you but I ended up making my own from socks - they're kind of whimsical looking. You can see a small picture here:

  10. If all else fails, here are some easy instructions on how to make your own....

  11. What a bumber!! I found these not as cheap though:

  12. I saw some in Dollar General the other day..if you still need some email me and I will check to see if they are still

  13. Thanks MrsWaller for giving me the heads up on Dollar General. I checked one out today and they were out of stock but PHX has tons of DGs so I will be checking with them all! If I can't find it ~ I may have to contact you!!

