
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hostess Cakes

I am a HUGE fan of Hostess Ho-Ho's! I have been every since childhood. I try not to buy them because I would eat the whole box. I am always on the lookout for something original and different. I came across these Hostess Cakes. Now many of them are for weddings....not my choice for a wedding cake but for a party~I'm all over it. I not a fan of Twinkies but cute idea.
Here is a Twinkies cake covered in fondant.

I love chocolate so this one really looks good to me!

Twinkies, Snowballs, Hostess cupcakes, Swiss Cake Rolls, Ding Dongs, Chocolate Chip mini muffins, Nilla Wafers and Reese's PB Cups~ WOW!!

Finally a cake I can do!