
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Easy and Inexpensive Paper Cones

Almost a year ago, I showed you all how to make paper cones here. Paper cones have not lost their popularity on the party buffet scene~ they can be used to hold all sorts of food. For Maddycakes parties they are generally filled with gourmet popcorn. (I like to have my "popcorn man" color coordinate the popcorn with the party decor).
I love paper cones but to tell you the truth, I don't like making them. Yesterday, while sitting down getting ready to make them for this weekend parties...Madison was playing with some old paper party hats. She was using them for cups and I thought my baby is a genius!! I couldn't wait to hit Dollar Tree today in hopes to find solid color party hats! Yippee! Not only did I find them but they were exactly the right color and had a cool hologram pattern on them. 8 for $1 - I should have made this a Dollar Day Creation!! Cheaper than cardstock and practically no work! (Ignore Madison's blue paint brush caddy that I stuck my easy paper cone in for pics!)
All I did was cut the string off and put on a sticker that I stamped to coordinate with the party decor.
*Another tip. Sheets of sticker paper is so expensive, if you are going to use stamps for your round tags ~ use name badges/labels. I got a whole stack of them from the Dollar Tree.