
Monday, January 30, 2012

Beach Cupcakes

As I told you on Facebook, I got some really sweet treats from Wrigley. This weekend Madison and I got to playing with all of the goodies. I am longing to go to our beach condo but it seems our weekends have been too busy so I'm bringing the beach to me!
As you know I am NOT a pretty baker. Everything I ever try comes out looking pitiful! However, using candy makes it so super easy and quick! I just made cupcakes or you can buy from any bakery at grocery store ~ get them unfrosted. I frosted half the cupcake with blue icing. I tried to make it look like waves. The other half in either white or beige frosting then cover with crumbled graham crackers (sand).
The beach chair is a Wrigley's stick of Juicy Fruit Juicy Secret (sugar free) gum and the inflatable beach tube is a Life Savers Gummies Collisions. To finish simply stuck a umbrella party pick for some shade!
These beach cupcakes would be great for any summer, beach or pool party! (BTW, the Life Savers Gummies Collisions are so yummy!! )
*disclosure~I received free products courtesy of Wrigley, but it did not influence any opinions expressed in my post.


  1. Decorating the tops of cupcakes can be so much fun! I love how you used the different candy pieces to create parts of the beach scene. So creative!

  2. I adore these. How sweet to make these with grandchildren. I wish I had seen these while I was still teaching elementary school, I would have had the children make them before summer break. So clever!
