
Monday, October 10, 2011

Monster Mania~Make Your Own Monsters

So your having a monster party....what can you do with the kiddos? How about make your own monster treats? What kid wouldn't love to decorate their own monster rice krispies...then eat it?

Last week I saw candy buttons on sale at CVS and didn't get them. I couldn't think what I could use them for. Hello....they are perfect for eyes ~ why didn't I think of that. I hope there are some left and still on sale!

This activity and treat is so easy to do...make pan of rice krispies. Then the kiddos can cut shapes using cookie cutters and decorate with icing and candies.

I don't know the ages of the kids who made these treats...they are gorgeous. I know my 4 year old and her friends creations won't quite look this way but they will be masterpieces in their own right! (source)

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