
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Flower Party

Madison's party was yesterday (Saturday) but her actual birthday was today. So please forgive me for the lack of a post...just spent time with my newly three year old and my big baby (daddy) as well. Madison's party was great. We had monsoon weather before and during the time for cake. It was so freakish for Phoenix to have that kind of winds and rain in JUNE!!! I set up early and a storm hit so fast. As I was taking down some of the outside decor, a wind gust broke 2 of my huge centerpieces. It took me almost 3 hours to get up all of the colored sand and glass. My husband and I must have vacuumed the entire backyard grass with the shop vac. Didn't want the kiddos getting hurt. Needless to say~ had no time to redo the centerpieces or set back up all of the decor but in the end nobody missed it but me! I didn't take pictures because my handy dandy photographer Amy was there!! So while I patiently wait for photos (not really so patiently) here is a super duper cute flower party on Lemon Tree Creations.
The candy bags were made using smaller white goodie bags placed inside green bags cut to look like grass and added a butterfly! GENIOUS!! Don't you just love the garden candy scoops! The candy bar was sitting on grass AstroTurf. Did you see the flowers in the rain boots and the gardening gloves wrapped around the terracotta pots above??? I truly love unexpected details like this!!
EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK~ loving the water in the watering can!

I saw this balloon tutorial on Martha Stewart. They really are cute!

Love the party Amy!! Make sure to check out Lemon Tree Creations for the rest of the party. Many Blessings!!


  1. this party is absolutely ADORABLE!

  2. Michelle,

    Thank you so much for the feature!!! You are so kind!! It was such fun planning this party. Sorry to hear about your wind gust problem--we did the same thing a few years ago when a wind storm blew over our glass patio table and we had to vacuum our yard! Yikes!

  3. very cute! I LOVE the idea of doing the drinks in the watering can! So fun!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  4. Super cute ideas! Love the big flower balloons to great guests and the watering cans are adorable!

  5. Can't wait to see Maddy's pictures. The flower party looks fun. I want to have a party just to have a candy bar! Sorry about the centerpieces...what a nightmare, broken glass and kids!
