
Friday, May 21, 2010

Operation Shower

I know by now you all know that I am a retired Marine Corps Officer with 21 years of active duty. I am very proud of serving and loved my Marine Corps career and miss my comrades very much. However, I am in a new chapter in my life and have found a few amazing people over the Internet through blogging! Amy from Stem Parties is one of these people! Not only is she super duper talented, funny and sweet. Amy is the chief event organizer and one of the four amazing volunteers who donate their time and talent to Operation Shower.

Operation Shower is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that recognizes and honors the sacrifices military families make by producing and coordinating unit-wide baby showers and "showers in a box" for pregnant or expecting military families in a deployment or high stress situation.

WE can make a difference. Spread the word about this worthy charity. I have posted about Operation Shower before here. Post information regarding this charity on your blogs, FB and Twitter. Please leave me a comment and let me know that you posted. There is also information on Operation Shower's website how to donate either money or items for shower boxes.
Leaving Turks/Caicos tomorrow and going back home ... all good things must come to an end.

1 comment:

  1. How did I miss that?! I had know idea you served in the Marine Corps!!
