
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bug Party

This is about one of the cutest boy parties I have seen!! Jennifer from Nounces Designs sent this party over that she did for her boys! Check out this invite! YOU already know she had me at these!! I LOVE invites that are not the norm! By the way...while you are checking out this blog post over at her site you must check out her ETSY shop!
Jennifer drilled holes in the lid and used Easter grass and put the Bug inside. OH how I love this!!
Even had the party details in "Bug lingo".

Don't you just LOVE cupcakes!

I can't say how much I LOVE these cupcakes!!
Jennifer got the cakes made at a local bakery. They fit absolutely perfect with the theme.
Cookie bouquets doubled as decoration for the table, and favors for the guests. The cookies were made by Pam of Cookie Crazie.

Even the silverware was wrapped around different bug fact cards.

It's all about the presentation!

SO the secret I have been keeping~ I couldn't post and tell you all where I was going because I was surprising my sister. Remember I told you that my sister was getting married Labor Day?? Well, she moved it up to this Saturday. I was initially unable to go due to a scheduled party. However, I have the party covered and I flew into Cincinnati and surprised her last night! The look on her face was priceless! Of course she cried and it was so worth it! So that is why I didn't post last night. Maddy and I are here until Tuesday. So I will be blogging from Ohio ~ anyone live here? Got to love Skyline Chili.


  1. Cinci is great! We are 45 min northeast of it(just outside of Dayton). You picked a great time because our weather has been perfect! Enjoy your time with your sister!

  2. Adorable-I have bees on cupcakes today too! I also used the mini terra cotta pots and grass in yesterdays tablescape! LOVE those invitations!

  3. SO SO cute! Can you really mail invites like that? I feel like my post office would tell me Im nuts...

  4. Thank you for featuring my party!! Yes, you can really mail the invites like that! I think the people at the post office did think I was a little nuts though. :)

  5. I just love creative parties like this!

    Shelley @

  6. Your sis must be so thrilled you are there...I'm so glad you got to go. This party idea is so much fun.
