
Thursday, February 4, 2010

High Flying Birthday

I am loving this high flying airplane theme party for a two year old named Tate! Eleanor from Pink Peppermint Paper did the design work!! I'm loving her Tate Airlines logo that says flying high since 2007!! Super Duper Cute!! Such cute boarding pass invitations. Mommy Jenny is pretty creative herself!!! The unique party location was Founders Plaza, which is an observation area at DFW airport where you can watch planes take off and land. Jenny called the airport for permission and was told they never had a birthday party there before! However, it one of her son's favorite spots to visit! She had the banner made at FedEx and put by the picnic site.
The airport didn't allow additional tables so being creative she used luggage! I love the baggage check for presents.

The baggage claim for favors!!! brain would not have come up with that one!!!

This is probably my favorite....the Aunts came dressed in white shirts and black pants to look like TSA security. Jenny made them TSA badges (Tate's Super Aunts) That is so stinking cute!! I really love that!!
Well, maybe this is my favorite. Tate's little brother's shirt....Wing Man! Looks like he got a first class seat!!

White bags that look like air sickness bags for the favors. Inside the bags were rubber ducks dressed like pilots, a glider plane, little plastic parachute men and individual luggage tags.

Pink Peppermint Paper made the labels...Love, Love, Love!!
Really awesome job ladies! Thanks so much for sharing!


  1. This is so so so adorable! I love all the little details!

  2. I really love this party. Am I the only person who thinks this is sort of wasted on a 2-year-old? I would want to wait until my son was a little older so that he would really understand and remember what was going on. I don't quite get the elaborate themed parties for babys and toddlers. Is that a horrible thing to say to a party planner?


  3. Well Sue, I can't speak for all but I know that most parents really do it for themselves. I had an elaborate 1st birthday for Maddy. I know that she will never remember it but it really was for me and her dad celebrating our baby turning one! I feel that with the exposure to so many more things..via the internet (blogs) we are exposed to such fabulous parties that you want to go all out as well. For me, I honestly feel added pressure to out do myself. People all know that I am a party planner and specialize in kids parties. If I throw my daughter an ice cream and cake birthday party - I feel people would be like....huh????? she calls herself a party planner??

  4. Great party thanks for sharing. I don't feel like it's a waist. I did 3 big patties for my son and even though he doesn't remember age 1&2 he love to look at the pictures and talk about when he was a baby. It's about personal preference. Just like we don't knock people down for doing "cake & ice cream" parties I expect the same respect. Thanks for sharing. Great party ideas.

  5. Thanks for featuring my party! I posted a link on my blog. It was a lot of fun to do. I enjoy doing these types of things and it's my creative outlet, so I don't think it was a waste.

    Love your site!

  6. how adorable and creative this is!!! i love it!
