
Monday, October 31, 2011

Monster Party

Happy Halloween! Here are some pics of Madison's monster party. Unfortunately didn't have a photographer (last minute emergency) ~ thank the Lord I took photos with my IPhone while I was setting up or I wouldn't have anything to show you! Here is the wreath on my front door. I used a printable from my printable party package from Dimpleprints to put in the middle of wreath.

I am in love with these monster cakepops from Lizzy Sweets N' Treats. Remember the invitation? Well, I told Liz that I wanted those monsters copied and boy did she deliver!

Monster cookies also from Lizzy Sweets.

Used the Wilton mold and made monster toes....ssssssshhhh the kids didn't know the candy mold is for witches fingers!

Got the monster lollipops from Oriental Trading.

Like my eyeball stand? It's a candy bowl that I found at CVS.

I know blogging 101 never put a bad picture on your blog. But in real life things aren't perfectly staged or executed so I always just go with the flow. This is the only shot I got of the whole dessert table and it's a blurry mess but I hope you get the general idea of actual set up.

This one is a little better. You can see my cool food labels that Carli from Dimpleprints made.

Here is a shot my friend Nancy can tell the table has already been attacked by the little ones. Plus whose phone and plate is on the table??

I made these monsters from items found at Dollar Tree. A glass vase, purple sock, yarn, and dusters with a handle.

Got these cute little monster (pillows) from Hobby Lobby and used for centerpieces.

Madison is scared of this green monster. I have it hidden right now.

It was a pumpkin carving party but this is what my daughter was doing while everyone else was carving and painting pumpkins. So her dad carved and painted the pumpkin solo this year.

Kiddos made monster masks.

Madison and her buddies. She was so happy. I love having a child it makes all the little things and holidays seem more special. Madison's Halloween party at school is today and of course trick or treating! I'm setting up a mini dessert table for her class (you know I wouldn't be me if I didn't) so hopefully I can take better pics of it than I did of my monster table!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Oreo Eyeball

Here is a sneak peek of Madison's Monster Bash Dessert table. You know I love a theme party! I made Oreo eyeballs. So simple to do. I used CandiQuik~ I love this product because it comes in it's own tray and melts so evenly and quick. However, almond bark or white chocolate would do as well. Dip your Oreos in candy coating then put on wax paper. I used the gummy Life Savers and some fondant eyes that I had. If you don't have any fondant eyes...(who really does??) you could use mini chocolate chips turned upside down. I put in refrigerator for a few minutes to set. Quick and easy but I think their really cool! The party is tonight so must get a move on.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life Size Monster!!

Madison's Halloween Pumpkin Carving Party is Friday! This time of year is extremely busy for Maddycakes but I don't want to neglect my own child's party!! So I am knee deep in party prep this week! Here is the invite created by my talented and sweet friend Carli from DimplePrints. This was in her Etsy shop as a birthday party printable but I had her custom it for a Halloween party. When I got the party printable package I was floored. I have never gotten so many printables in a party package!!! I wanted to make a life size monster for party decor and a photo backdrop. I don't have a lot of time so I wanted it to be easy and quick to do.
I bought 2 yards of furry red fabric from Hobby Lobby and used my invitation as my muse! I turned the fabric to the back size and used a fabric marker to free hand draw the monster. The great thing about monsters...they don't have to be exact or pretty! I used felt for the yellow dots, mouth and pupil. I used white foam core as the eyeball. To stick on wall I used 3M removable strips and duck tape to stick on the felt and foam core.
The monster is over 5 feet tall! I think he is so cute!
It makes a big impact on the wall. Madison loves it!! Not sure if I'm going to add more....any suggestions?? See that wrinkled green thing on chair?? Well, I will be tackling that today and will share with you later!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fun-Dip Shots

Try these Fun-Dip shots for an inexpensive and fun addition to any dessert table or party. Buy Fun-Dip in your party colors~ then pour candy into plastic shot glasses, add the Lik-M-Aid stik. It's all about the presentation!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Feature Party~ Happy Owl-O-Ween Part 2

This part 2 only took a year to post! :) Happy Owl-O-Ween was the theme for Madison's Halloween pumpkin carving party last year. If you missed the pictures from the dessert table I created then click here.
The craft activity was making owl necklaces. Each child got to pick out their glass owl.
Stringing their beads...the kids really enjoyed this activity.
Madison wearing her owl necklace she made. When Madison laughs really hard she makes this scrunch face! I love it! She has been doing it since she was a baby. This is why I do what I makes it all worth while!
Every Halloween party I make Mummy dogs for the kiddos. Kids love them and they are so easy to make. I made chili and corn casserole for the parents and served in cauldrons.
The main activity is carving and painting pumpkins.
The favor tote bags I found at Forever 21 for only $1.50. You never know what you may find~always keep your eyes open for things that can work for your theme parties.
They where filled with various Halloween items.
So Madison's Halloween party this year is Monsters. (party is next Friday night) I'm really slacking on the preparations but will get busy today. So stay tuned!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Crafty Kids Halloween Party Ideas

I really love everything that Lisa Storms comes up with....Lisa can we be friends? So no surprise that she would come up with adorable stuff for a kiddos Halloween party. Don't you just love the sand witches? Lisa used a border and cut out the boots....the boots look like R's to me so if you don't have that border punch I think that it would work.

So simple but so cute.

Not only do I love the spider plate but the spider web on the table. Could just use masking tape.

I love handmade...DIY crafty party creations! It is just so unique and creative. Currently, I have 7 custom parties on my plate. That is probably more than I should have taken on. Especially since they are all in the next 2 months! My head was spinning so I took a few days off from any party planning. Since Madison's Monster Mash is next Friday, I need to get started on more DIY projects. I will be posting them to Facebook starting this afternoon.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday Transformation~DIY make your own Halloween dinnerware

I love transforming every party and holiday into a theme. However, I don't like the expenses it can bring by the ever changing themes! I LOVE holiday dishes but don't like the cost either. I love the Halloween tablescape done by Brooklyn Limestone. She used inexpensive plates and transformed them to fit her theme.

How cool is using The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe as a theme for a Halloween party/tablescape?

I really love how she did the poem on the dinnerware with the raven on another piece.

Gotta love the old typewriter so perfect for this theme. Use what you own!

For the how to on making the DIY Halloween dinnerware go to Brooklyn Limestone here.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sliding Caramel Apples

Every Fall my mother and I would make caramel apples. Not from scratch but she used the caramel apple wraps. I really didn't know there was any other way. LOL However, I want to carry on this tradition with Madison but try a semi-homemade version. Plus I wanted to make some for Madison's Halloween party but wanted to test them out before the party.

So for my first time- we made caramel apples from bag of caramels melted in microwave with 2 tablespoons of milk. Madison loved dipping the apples into the caramel and putting on the M&Ms.

However, the caramel started to slide off. I put 2 in the refrigerator to stop the sliding process.

Madison was very proud of her creations. The caramel stayed on the ones in the refrigerator better. The ones left out almost completely slid of. I don't remember this happening with the caramel wraps! The bag made 5 caramel apples for us. A whole caramel apple is way too much for my little one to eat. So I've decided to do the mini caramel apples for the party. I feel this is much better for the little ones. If you have had much success with mini caramel apples please give me the 411!

Found this tutorial on FLICKR.