
Monday, March 29, 2010

Eggcellent Idea

Ok~ I thought I was the decoupage gluing queen...well at least decoupage princess...why didn't I think of decoupaging pictures onto my Easter Eggs. I was just racking my brain today trying to think up a way to use the kids photos on the tablescape and viola...found this on Women's Day! You best believe I will try this one...however my list of things to create are getting longer than I believe I have time for.

Plus, today I got an injection of cortisone into my shoulder that has been hurting for months. Why am I hurting worst now than before? I can barely move my arm and the pain is now excruciating whereas before it was a constant dull pain. When I move it I can hear a squishing sound now~please tell me that this is not normal or is it? The doctor told me that in a few minutes I would have no pain and my mobility would come back into my shoulder. Please my peeps if you have first hand experience with this let me know if I'm scared for nothing or should be worried???? Thanks my lovelies!!


  1. Oh, fun! I've never tried decoupage before, but I might have to give it a whirl. I saw some sweet ones somewhere using patterns cut from printed napkins. Very cool. I had to get a cortisone shot in the bottom of my foot once. It hurt MUCH worse for probably the next 24 hours then slowly got better. Hang in there!

  2. Oh Michelle! I hope you're feeling better tomorrow. My Dad recently had the same shot in his shoulder and it hurt like a bear for a day or so then felt better, now he's out golfing with no pain. Get well soon

  3. Thanks so much has started to feel better...yippee. I was so scared last night ~ I didn't know what was going on. I thought the doctor messed up something when he was in there with that long needle. LOL
